Electric bikes have grown in popularity over the past few years as battery and motor technology has advanced. There are plenty of reasons why an electric bike might be the right choice for you: If the sight of a big hill fills you with dread If the distance you would have to commute seems a little too far […]
Types of Commuter Bikes
Whether your new to cycling or returning to the sport, a trip to your local bike shop can be a confusing experience. The world of cycling has moved on a long way since the days if the ‘racer’. Now, theres so much variety available, with different types of bikes for the road, off road, touring and […]
The Best Bike Lock for Commuters on a Budget
When your commuting by bike, it can be a bit daunting to leave your pride and joy unattended for the whole day. To give you peace and mind, your going to need to invest in a sturdy, thief stopping bike lock. So what is the Best Bike Lock for those on a budget? We have put […]
Buyers Guide: Commuter Bike Locks
If your leaving your bike unattended, a good bike lock can be the difference between riding your bike home again, or having to replace it. When buying your bike lock there are three factors to consider before making your purchase, the type of lock, size and weight and its security rating. Type of Bike Lock Generally […]
Which Commuter Bicycle Accessories Do You Need?
In this post were going to discuss the different types of commuter bicycle accessories you might want to equip either your bike or yourself with. In our opinion, bike accessories fall into two categories, ‘essentials’ or ‘luxuries’. We’re going to discuss bike accessories which we think lie in each of the two categories below. Essential […]
Cycle Route Planner – How to Plan Your Bike Commute
When it comes to planning your bike commute most people will have an idea of the route they would normally go by car and use this as the basis for when they cycle. But by doing this you could be missing out on some great roads, tracks and shortcuts that you could easily incorporate into your commute. […]
The Parts of a Bike: Your Guide to the Details
If you’re new to cycling or commuting by bike, the chances are, your change from four wheels to two will come up in conversation. Whether it’s with your colleagues who are taking an interest in your new bike, or the mechanic at your local bike shop, you’re going to want to know what you’re talking […]
Which Bike to Buy? 6 Questions to Ask to Find the Best Commuter Bike
Are you thinking about taking the plunge into commuter cycling? Before you do, there are a few questions you should ask yourself to help you decide which bike to buy. Whilst this article is aimed at people intended for bike commuting the questions still apply general cycling. There are many different types of bikes and […]